Once again you bring me to tears. I’d say you MATTER. You matter to me , your words matter to me. I loved you as that 12 year old girl and I love you as the adult, wife, mother and daughter you are.

Just this morning I had the privilege of reminding a hurting family and their circle of friends at a funeral how much a single life matters, i.e., “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. All too often we are not around to find out how much our “little line is worth”. Thank you for adding value to my life. Love you!

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Gah, Dad. This is a beautiful comment. Thank you, thank you, thank you. “The Dash” is such a good illustrate of an important message, one I wish we’d think about more before it was on our tombstone. This is the work before you and I! Thank you for being here.

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Thank you for sharing! Much love !

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Thank you, friend!, for being here. For listening. ❤️

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Thanks for writing! ❤️

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Thank you for being here, always. ❤️

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Thank you for sharing this. You matter very much to me! I'm not sure how I would have survived that first year in Langley without your friendship. I love those pictures, beautiful friend, particularly the second one. And I'm excited to hear about the interview. 🙏

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I hope you know: I probably would not have ACTUALLY survived, without you. Or my kids. Your presence is the world to me. I wish we could sit together, just sit, in the same room rather than across the screen. Talk to you soon. ❤️

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Jun 19Liked by Christianna Joy Scott

Your words make my eyes wet. Sending you big, squishy virtual hugs. Someday they will be real ones. ❤

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This is such a wonderful read, Christianna, and I'm still weighing the thought journey it's taking me on. When I consider the word matter, I can't help but connect it with the word, love. I have a four word mantra that I live by: love God, love others. Somehow, in trying to crowd all of my relationship type of decisions, thoughts and actions under the umbrella of those four words, it really comes down to how much value, or matter, I internally assign to all this that defines how much things really matter to me. Still pondering this... thank you for this, Christianna.

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"Matter" is such a stranger creature, isn't it? Amazing what six letters can do to a person, what journeys, as you put it, a word might send us on. Thanks for sharing your experience with this post, Steve!

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Always a pleasure to share thoughts with you🙏🏽

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Thank you for sharing this. I am sitting with the definition of matter now. How interesting...I think for me matter also means how much space am I allowed to take up in any given situation.

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Oh yes. You could go far with the idea of space, I think.

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